Our Pentagon solution
Aware of the difficulties encountered by companies in monitoring local taxes and the management of land database updates in the context of tax audits, our company has developed the first and only web solution that I invite you to watch this video.
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Can your company benefit from the Innovation Tax Credit?
The innovation tax credit is a tax measure reserved for SMEs. The latter can benefit from a tax credit of 20% of the expenses necessary for the design and/or the production of prototypes or pilot installations of a new product. The base is capped at €400,000 per year and per company. The declaration is made with the same form Cerfa N° 2069-A-SD and according to the same methods as the research tax credit (CIR). Under certain conditions, SMEs can benefit from early repayment of their CII.
With an increasingly heavy and complex file, our consultants put their expertise at your disposal to help you in your efforts.
What if you don't meet the CII eligibility criteria?
We examine your projects and we
identify the possible strategies as well
that the various aids & subsidies
for you.
Review our webinars
How to deal with changes in local taxation? Solutions for optimizing your TF and CFE
Local taxation has undergone major upheavals in recent years (from the abolition of business tax to the reform of commercial premises and the abundance of case law on industrial establishments).
From the first web interface dedicated to the optimization, management and updating of land databases, INVENTAGE offers you, on the occasion of this webinar, solutions to allow you to:
to decipher and understand the methods for calculating your property tax bases and business property contribution ;
to reconstruct and optimize them to sustainably reduce the weight of these taxes ;
to follow and update them to prepare you for future constraints (tax audits, exit from leveling and smoothing systems, changes to your property perimeter, etc.).
Car fleet: how to limit rising costs?
Many companies have already switched part of their fleet to gasoline despite an additional cost of fuel and taxation related to the fact that gasoline engines emit more CO2. Their lower prices than diesel and now their residual values allow them to position themselves in TCO (full cost of ownership). However, it is these same vehicles that could suffer the most from the transition to the WLTP standard on January 1, which will have significant consequences on the CO2 emissions retained by the administration and therefore on corporate taxation. Faced with so many uncertainties, what strategy to adopt ? Should we go back to diesel ? Do we still need to order vehicles ? So many questions that we will try to answer.
Savings, tax credits and recoveries: what are your possibilities for tomorrow?
The global health crisis is hurting our economy and corporate finances have been put to the test.
Since the announcement of deconfinement, companies must think, in a relatively short period of time, of restoring their production, financing and cash flow capacities, failing which they could find themselves in a weak position, or even in a situation of risk.
This is why our experts will present to you the various possibilities to be implemented now in order to be able to anticipate tomorrow.
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